The house is clean.
Don’t touch anything.

Deep cleaning lived-in homes is what we do. It’s how we get you back on track and it’s how we relieve your mental load of keeping it all together. Your house is about to be the cleanest it’s ever been.

We are Clean Dreams and we stay all day.

What is a deep clean? It’s dedicating a full day to your home. We go far beyond any surface cleaning with our thorough approach. Baseboards? Always. Cabinet doors? Every time. Blinds? Yes, please. Wait until we get to the inside of your dishwasher…

This is an investment into the overall upkeep of your home. By booking a deep clean, not only are you removing the grime and buildup, you’re getting a complete reboot and a full reset.

No more obsessing over the smudges, splatters, and fingerprints that only you can see. That's what we live for.

Any home that is lived in and loved in is going to get dirty. And we’ve developed a process to give yourself the gift of a completely fresh start.

Our Clean Dreams deep approach diagnoses what is going on in your house to come up with a game plan. We empower you to get a maintenance plan in place and prevent the overwhelming feeling of having to do it all.

We want to get your house as clean as possible during our time together. Based on our 1:1 conversations, we set realistic goals and transparent timelines for everything your unique home needs.

These are the types of situations we can tackle in our full-day clean:

● Scraping off caked-on grime

● Moving furniture to get underneath and on top of everything

● Washing and vacuuming air filter covers and floor vents

● Spot cleaning smudges and splatter off walls

● Hand wiping each slat of blinds

A clean house can give you the superpowers to focus on everything else you have going on in your life.

Think of it like this…

If you knew your minivan was going to get detailed every six months, you wouldn’t have to worry about fishing out the french fry that just fell between the seats. Knowing that a deep clean is on the schedule gives you a bit of relief from the never-ending mental load. It’s a reminder that you’ve got a nonjudgemental support system that will give you the tools you need to get back to baseline.

Giving our clients a new beginning along with a game plan to maintain and manage their homes going forward is what we value most. We are caring and loving professionals here to help you through the messy seasons of life.

Some call it perfectionism.
We call it Clean Dreams.

Is it weird how much we love dirt? To some, sure. But it’s the hard work of removing dust, gunk, and pet hair that brings us a deep satisfaction. It’s really just who we are and we fully embrace it.

Our team is a collaborative force scrubbing and wiping the deepest nooks and crannies. How well we work together is what allows us to make the biggest difference based on the specific needs and layout of your space. We care about your home and we are here to set you up to maintain that level of care going forward.

Our signature deep clean service is perfect for:

Annual or bi-annual deep cleaning

Welcoming a new baby

Moving out and moving in

When life just gets overwhelming (it happens to all of us)

Get on our schedule. It’s worth the wait.

Our deep cleaning service books in advance with a 1-3 month lead time. Our meticulous process takes planning and preparation to ensure that your specific home gets exactly what it needs.