Wouldn’t it be so great if someone came over and cleaned absolutely everything? Like even behind your toilet?

The reality is when your house is clean, you feel like you can do anything. Your mental load evaporates and *deep exhale* there’s space for other projects and other opportunities. When your headspace is no longer consumed with having to clean the house, the cloud of overwhelm lifts and relief shines in.

When life is a whirlwind and your plate is piled high with responsibilities… Dust and grime build up just like the items on your to-list.

To clean your whole house alone would take too long and one half would be messy by the time you finish.

It’s ok to ask for help. We all need it. Our annual deep clean is your permission slip to get your house (and your life) back on track.

Our team is wired to clean and scrub, but it’s really a relentless pursuit to fix, help, and make things right again.

We like to call ourselves Right Angle-ers. To us, a space doesn't feel complete until everything is placed just right. We aren't just going to clean your space, we make sure that everything is aesthetically and functionally tidy.

Between us, we have thousands of hours of cleaning time. We know what product is going to lift that stain and what tool is going to remove that grime. We’ve seen it all and we don’t judge.

Our compassion towards helping people grows with each home we are invited into, and we live for making your Clean Dreams a reality.

When we say clean, we mean deep clean.

The goal is to get your house as clean as possible, and this is an investment into the overall upkeep of your home. We stay all day to create a plan with realistic targets and transparent timelines to address the unique needs of your space. Our above-and-beyond cleaning experience truly feels transformational.


  • The Clean Dreams method is a complete deconstruction of every corner of a room inside your home. It is deep and it is thoughtfully designed for each unique space that we clean. We take each room from top to bottom, left to right. We remove items from shelves and off surfaces and clean everything before putting it back. We are not cleaning around things, we get underneath and on top of everything. The scope that we operate within is time. We want to make sure we cover as much as we can in the time that we have. Our minimum standards are completely thorough, and if you have any special requests we are happy to talk it through and make a game plan.

  • Our process is open and transparent, being in conversation with you to create a deep clean for your home’s unique needs. We always tackle the areas of your home that are often skipped over by homeowners or maintenance cleaners. For example: baseboards, fans, blinds, and walls.

    We also cover all the basics of a regular cleaning, such as toilets and everything in between.

  • Yes! We love deep cleaning your appliances, but it falls outside of what we can cover during a standard appointment. If you'd like to add appliances to your deep clean, just let us know and we can make a plan.

    $175 Fridge + $75 Freezer

    $250 Oven & Drawer

    $150 Laundry Washer + $75 Dryer

    $100 Dishwasher

  • We don't always know how long a house will take, but most homes take around 8 hours. Every space is unique and there is a wide spectrum of factors that can affect our pace. For homes larger than 2800 square feet, we will split the work over multiple days.

  • Clean Dreams charges by the hour, depending on your square footage, we will book the appropriate number of cleaners.

    $110/hr 2 Cleaners

    $150/hr 3 Cleaners

    $190/hr 4 Cleaners

    $230/hr 5 Cleaners

    We have a 6-hour daily minimum. For any work over 8 hours, we charge a 1.5x overtime rate and always cap work at 9.5 hours for any single day.

  • Based on your home’s needs, along with the dirt and grime level, we will assign the appropriate number of cleaners. Below is our starting point, but our recommendations are made on a case-by-case basis.

    - Anything under 1000 square feet = 2 cleaners

    - 1000 - 1800 square feet = 3 cleaners

    - 1800 - 2800 square feet = 4-5 cleaners

  • Cleans Dreams is a deep, full-service cleaning that can become a part of the annual care plan and maintenance of your home. We recommend our services be booked either once or twice a year.

  • On 90% of the surfaces in your home, we use Mrs. Meyer’s all-purpose cleaner. Dawn Power Wash is our all- star product when smudges and grease need some heavy duty help. Dawn dish soap and vinegar tackle hard water like a champ. Occasionally your toilet or shower will need bleach and Bar Keeper’s Friend will make your sink shine. Some of our other favorite detailing products are Sprayway for glass, Pledge for wooden furniture and Weiman’s for stainless steel.

  • Our deep cleaning service books in advance with a 1-3 month lead time. Our meticulous process takes planning and preparation to ensure that your specific home gets exactly what it needs. Please fill out our inquiry form here.

Settle into the time you’ve just been given back.

We knock the biggest thing off your to-list, cleaning the house. You can let down the worry and feel completely at peace knowing your house is the cleanest it’s ever been.

Get on our schedule. It’s worth the wait.

Our deep cleaning service books in advance with a 1-3 month lead time. Our meticulous process takes planning and preparation to ensure that your specific home gets exactly what it needs.